How to quit porn, regain your wife's trust, and take control of your life

 How to quit porn, regain your wife's trust, and take control of your life

(Without Going to 12-step meetings, Attending counseling for years, Using willpower, or putting Filters on your electronics)

If you want customized help so you can get the same results as my other clients, then schedule a free strategy session with me below

If you're married, please schedule a time when both you and your wife can be together for the call. This helps me understand each perspective and develop a plan for both of you.

(If you don't see any times that will work for your schedule, email me at [email protected] and I'll coordinate with you that way.)

If you'd like to heal your marriage and restore the trust and connection, then reading this letter will be one of the best investments you could make in your relationship...

It was 2AM.. He was watching pornography again..

 his wife was going to be devastated when she found out, but in that moment, he didn't care...

 My friend's marriage was a wreck.. The trust was completely gone. And his wife would sob or get angry each time she found out that he had watched porn...

We met when we were in college, and he shared his struggle with me while I was in grad school training to become a therapist. He told me he'd been battling with his porn addiction for over 13 years.

And he'd done everything he could think of and none of it worked – he'd have success for a few days, weeks, or months. But just when he thought he was in the clear and found freedom, he'd fail again.

As he told me about his struggle in a rundown office on campus, I knew that so many other men were battling the same thing. So I decided that I'd train to become an expert at helping men overcome their addiction and heal their relationship.

 The problem was that all of the traditional approaches that everyone was teaching had such high failure rates...

Author and researcher, Zachary Dodes, wrote a book talking about how flawed the addiction industry is..

He found that 12-step had a 90-95% failure rate.

My friend was so desperate that he tried going to groups anyways, and he was not in the lucky 5% that was successful with it...

Maybe you've tried some of the things he did?

  • 12-step group
  • Willpower and Discipline
  • ​Accountability Partners
  • ​Filters on His Phone
  • ​Therapy
  • ​Prayer
  • ​Distracting Himself

But none of those things helped him eradicate the addiction from his life for good...

I discovered that the reason why these things fail is because they don't address the core of addiction

Many people wonder, "What is at the core of addiction?"

It's unpleasant or painful emotions –

Addiction is a destructive way to cope with emotional pain, loneliness, boredom, stress, and low self-worth.

And in order for the addiction to be completely eradicated, you must address things on a deeper level..

...but that sounds really hard...

The good news is that it's easier and takes far LESS work to address things at the root level instead of constantly battling against urges and temptations using willpower.

Think about it like this –

Is it hard to chop down a tree?

It depends...

Are you using a butter knife or a chainsaw?

Does it take energy to use a chainsaw?


But will it be a breeze compared to using a dull butter knife?


I teach men powerful tools that resolve the core of addiction instead of relying on willpower, distracting themselves, or pushing through a temptation

Simply click on the link below and I'll send you these 5 tools in an audio format so you can listen whenever, wherever.

Listen to Gabe's experience with my unique approach and how it changed the future of his life and family forever...

   What results are people getting?

I'm overcame my 10-year addiction by understanding and resolving the root cause

After multiple failed attempts, I feel dramatically more confident and am on the path to true healing

 Your Coach and mentor

Hi, I'm Sam Tielemans

I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in helping individuals and couples overcome the impact of a pornography.

While I was early in my career, I had a friend who shared with me nearly lost his because of his struggle with pornography.

He tried getting help from traditional methods like 12-step groups, accountability partners, filters on his devices and more discipline, but none of what he did worked.

I decided I needed to learn how to help men and couples who were struggling, so over the past 10 years I've developed a methodology that helps people permanently quit porn by helping them eliminate the desire they have for it.

I've since worked with hundreds of couples over thousands of hours of therapy sessions, and the growth and healing they've achieved has been remarkable, and it all begins with their ability to create and strengthen the trust in their marriage.

Hi, I'm Sam Tielemans

I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in helping individuals and couples overcome the impact of a pornography addiction.

While I was early in my career, I had a friend who shared with me nearly lost his because of his struggle with pornography. He tried getting help from traditional methods like 12-step groups, accountability partners, filters on his devices and more discipline, but none of what he did worked.

I decided I needed to learn how to help men and couples who were struggling, so over the past 10 years I've developed a methodology that helps people permanently heal from addiction, rebuild trust in their marriage, and move forward feeling closer and more connected than ever.

I've since worked with hundreds of couples in thousands of hours of therapy sessions, and the growth and healing they've achieved has been remarkable, and it all begins with their ability to create and strengthen the trust in their marriage.

– Founder of Healing Couples Therapy – a 5-Star Private Practice in Las Vegas, NV

– Developed a system to reliably and permanently destroy the grip of a pornography habit or addiction

– Worked with hundreds of men and couples to help them heal individually and in their relationships

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Want the proven tools to go from struggling with addiction to Permenant freedom?